Weight loss - First find out the witch that casts that spell ( 減肥 - 先找出下咒語的女巫)

I'd like to talk about my current weight lost situation, as I believe many of you are going through the same that it seems no matter what you do and don't do, you just can't loose the weight without feeling dizzy and restless. 

so I've tried P90X, Raw Food, Akins, 333, calorie counting, nutrient counting, juice cleanse ...etc, and in the same time, I spent money on body treatments to help sculpting my body into a nice shape and to keep it firm..etc 

I started everyone of them after reading books about the theories, and stopped each of them due to the dizziness I experienced. Each of them brought me extra energy in the beginning and that got me confused. 

I am quite determined when it comes to beauty and health, there has never been a point that I want to give up on improving myself, it eventually has become more about being healthy than loosing weight to me. 

Until a Monday 3 weeks ago, (I was on a healthy weight lost diet that I got to eat a lot in the morning, eating normal in the afternoon and no carbs and fruit in the evening) I woke up in the morning but couldn't even stand still, I lied down again and did my regular breathing exercise that usually helps but it didn't that time, I didn't go to work and later I was in the out-patience of a sanatorium hospital, doctor didn't give me medicine but she gave me some honest off-record advice:  

"Your body is very cold and wet in the Chinese medicine point of view, you are bloated and I bet you think you are fat"

It reminded me of what a acupuncturist told me when my knees were injured due to the marathon training. 

I when to see a Chinese doctor that recommended by my boss, below is my diagnose from her: 

Typical " vain fat " type - slow metabolism caused by weaker heart and lung function


Mostly female
Patient looks plump 
Soft fat 
Busy life style 
Easily feel breathless 
Sweat easily 
Small appetite
Weight increases regardless
Swelling legs in the evening 

Poor blood circulation affecting the metabolism and the balance of blood and water. Metabolic waste easily being accumulated, the body would never stop generating new metabolic waste , and therefore it becomes accumulation of "garbage" , resulting in fat , edema, increased blood turbidity , metabolic immune diseases ...etc 

In addition to edema, fatigue & puffiness , it leads to poor sleep and visible skin pigmentation on cheeks and around the eye area.

It sounds bad, but fortunately it is quite common among people in the city.

I got slightly better now, at least I don't feel as dizzy as I used to be, next, I'm going to share with you what I do and what easy formulated Chinese medicine I eat for curing the above issue. 


所以我嘗試過P90X , RawFood ,Akins, 333 ,計算熱量,營養計算,果汁排毒...等,而同時我花錢身體護理,幫助塑身並保持緊緻..等

每次我開始新方法前也會看有關的書; 每次停止也是因為頭暈。而每開始都令我很精神, 讓我很困惑。

當談到美容和健康我是相當堅定的,從來沒有過放棄,慢慢的, 比起減肥,我更注重身體健康。

直到3個星期前的一個星期一, (我當時早餐吃很多,下午吃普通,晚間不吃碳水化合物和生果)我醒來的早晨,暈得站不住,躺下來後做我的平常的呼吸運動,通常都有幫助的,但那次沒有,那天我沒有去上班,後來我進了養和醫院,醫生沒給我開藥,但她給了我一些誠實的建議:




典型的“虛胖”型 - 心臟和肺的功能弱致代謝緩慢








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