Weight loss - improve Metabolism & easy herbal medicine solution (減肥 - 改善新陳代謝及方便的草藥解決方案)

Here I need to emphasis that what works for me and what I need might not be the same for you, please consult your own Herbalist / doctor before you try anything (in general). 

The 1st and the 2nd weeks instructions from my herbal doctor to improve my slow metabolism:

 Herbal doctor's first instruction is: 

Ginger Water in the morning - 1st week

I would like to share the way I prepare ginger water in the morning, and my dizziness has improved the next day I started my ginger routine.

  1. Grind about 30 grams of ginger (with peel) with a wasabi grinder
  2. Put it in a glass
  3. Pour hot water in it

Do - 
Drink it only in the morning
Use fresh ginger

Don't - 
Drink boil the ginger

And her second instruction is: 

Herbal medicines to regulate my blood and fluid - 2nd week 

Here is a list of herbal medicine that I supposed to drink, it's also one of the reasons I didn't start it earlier, it is just too much trouble to cook it, and that I don't trust the clinic to cook it for me as I am not sure if they would put the right amount of herbs in it. 

當歸 Angelica Sinensis
川芎 Ligusticum Chuanxiong
白芍 Paeonia Lactiflora Pall
熟地 Rehmannia Glutinosa
人參 Ginseng
黨參 Codonopsis Pilosula
紅棗 Red Date
黃芪 Astragalus

It seems a little crazy, at least to me ...... but then I found this - 

Pak Fung Pills - Twice a day 

Not only it covers all the ingredients I need and more, I don't even need to prepare the medicine because they have made it into little pills.



第一個指令是: 早上喝姜水 - 第1週


  1. 用山葵磨磨約30克生薑(帶皮)
  2. 把它放在杯
  3. 倒入熱水

宜 - 

忌 - 

而她的第二個指令是: 以草藥來調節我的血液和液體 - 第2週 


當歸 Angelica Sinensis
川芎 Ligusticum Chuanxiong
白芍 Paeonia Lactiflora Pall
熟地 Rehmannia Glutinosa
人參 Ginseng
黨參 Codonopsis Pilosula
紅棗 Red Date
黃芪 Astragalus

這似乎有點瘋 (至少對我來說)......但後來我發現這個-

白鳳丸 - 每天兩次



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