What my mom taught me about natural summer skin care routine: Washing face with watermelon 媽咪教夏天古法護膚一: 西瓜皮洗臉

What my mom taught me about natural summer skin care routine: Washing face with watermelon
媽咪教夏天古法護膚一: 西瓜皮洗臉

As a child, I remember the first time I saw my mom washing face with watermelon, I was a bit shocked and wondered: isn't sweet juice sticky ? As she rubbed the watermelon on her face and the red juice dripped down, I had a minor jaw-dropped moment, but it smelled so nice on mom's smiley face, it seemed she really enjoyed the massage, just a rinse of water and her face looked so bright with rosy blush on cheeks. Mom is beautiful, I thought to myself

Mom told me that it was taught by her grandma, watermelon is full of water and vitamins, it is dense and gentle like velvet, not only it cleans and massage our skin well, the fruit acid helps to soften the skin, break down clogged pores and releases the sebum to form a natural lotion effect. The white flesh also has inflammatory function that helps healing acnes.
媽媽說那是她婆婆教她的,西瓜肉又多水分,又綿密,不單是清潔按摩一流,當中的果酸更軟化角質,分解油脂,有着天然化妝水的效果。 青白色皮的部分更有消炎作用,可幫助痘痘瘉合。 

More importantly, it is actually a nice parent-child activity we had, sense of smell is the most lasting memory in our head, it is our little sweet memory.



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